Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Life Is In God's Hand

Many times when I said this phrase, I feel guilty, mainly because I am simply not living it! Many times I feel really guilty for not living every single minutes for God.

My flesh weak even when my spirit is strong. I would say that bodily desire sometimes are just too hard to get rid of because they are just so strong. Sometimes it is just a thought and then it turn into words and then it turns into actions.

Breaking the covenant with the Lord hurts me the most because many times I just want to simply love the Lord and body just can't sometimes. I have to admit that my body is very weak. God has a loving, caring and great plan for me, but I just simply don't have the body for it right now. I can't do what God told me to do because sin is blocking me and made me vulnerable. I really really want to love God and I want to live every second of my life honoring God, but it is just so hard. There is a strong conviction inside of me telling me that I haven't live my life up to the standard ever since the break started. I didn't do half the things I said I would and most importantly, I broke my covenant with the Lord.

I step aside so sin could enter my life. I cry out to the Lord for forgiveness even though I probably asked for forgiveness a billion times and yet I still haven't change it. I don't know why, but addiction is just so hard to get rid of! I need God. I need the Holy Spirit. I need to be renewed, I need to be changed I need Jesus, I need his blood to wash away my sins. IN the name of Jesus that my bondage be broken. Lord, would you please just forgive me again? I know I don't deserve it, but you are full of grace and mercy! I truly want to give my life to the Lord and God alone~! For I know that He has the best for me that no one could compare, that nothing in the world can even come close to matching it. I give my life to you God, may you purify it, may you make it whole and make it clean!

I want to proclaim again that my life belongs to God! My life belongs to God completely. Not 90%, but 100% all to the Lord, my soul, my spirit and my body. All of it. All that I do must honor the Lord, my father! It is when I am weak that shows you are strong! it is when i am poor that you show me you are rich. you bless me and you have favor upon me. I am the child of the most high God who forgives me and who loves me. I am guilty of this love, but I am going to hold on to the promise that whoever cries out to Jesus will be saved and have eternal life. Lord God, I am crying out to you, Jesus, you are willing to die for my sins and your blood is shed so my sins can be washed, by the power of the blood, I am clean once again!


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pressing Forward

It is human nature to not continue on some of the things that we want to do in life. This blog for example, when I started, I said I would update it everyday just to keep a journal of what my life is going on and what i am going through, but it is just so easy to forget and let other things get ahead of me.

Today, I went to a memorial service and God once again reminded me that sometimes we need to just press forward and forget about the pass. Surely sometimes people would come and they would leave my life, but I need to continue and press on and do what the Lord commanded me to do!

Saturday, January 27, 2007


今天我們去玩 天氣居然很好 真感謝神 之後我們去玩籃球 打了很久 今天所有人都很棒! 感謝主

Friday, January 26, 2007


星期一的考試快到了 但是我發現我這個週末會很忙 所以我開始緊張了 沒時間讀書了

Thursday, January 25, 2007


今天教會禱告會之後 我接到Andrea的電話 聽說我們一些小組員們在拿的Environmental Science 課上有加分的機會 是在Santa Cruz 但是時間是小組時間 所以我懷疑了一下 我不知道該如何處理這樣的事 知道應當幫助組員的 但是我也要想想其他組員的看法 我知道不管我如何做決定 都一定是最後一秒鐘的決定 所以我就像一像 我不知道是不是神的聲音吧 我就說我們可以把小組移到Santa Cruz去 我們可以有小組 出去玩 又幫助那些需要加分 我真的不知道要如何做 所以我就請Andrea打一些電話 回到家 想了一想 就做出了決定 我們要去海邊! 所以我就寄了電子郵件 說小組要去Santa Cruz 然後是從早上十點到下午四點 在回教會打球 所以我還蠻高興的 這會是很好的一次小組

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


我們嘴巴不經意說出來的東西往往顯露出我們的心思意念 而我們所說的是帶有能力的 但是很多時候我們的心跟嘴巴所說的往往都不一樣 我常常就是這樣 雖然嘴巴說要做 但是卻心不甘情不願的去做 有時候拖到最後 就沒有去做 我今天看了一點點電視劇 看到了兩個口是心非的人 他們中間發生了很多的傷心的事 而造成以後的遺憾 而今天馬太福音十五章十一節說 入口的不能污穢人 出口的乃能污穢人
十五章十八節又說 惟獨出口的 是從心裡發出來的 這才污穢人 我要隨時注意自己所說的話

首先就是要好好的親近神 這是我今年的目標 我原本打算發懶 但是看了這個戲劇 我決定自己不可以做一個口是心非的人 所以我要好好的加油
馬太福音十五章八節說 這百姓用嘴唇敬我 心卻遠離我
我覺得神是在跟我說話 我在小組說要親近神 但是我在家常常沒有做到 尤其是開學之後 因為學校要忙 但是還沒看完一些影集和漫畫 所以說我離神的距離越來越遠了 這實在是不行 這幾天下來 我得到很多的提醒 真的是要好好的親近神 這世上沒有比這更重要了

星期天的敬拜團練習 也使我很深的體會到安德魯愛主的那一個渴慕的心 也看到他想要帶領整個團來好好的渴慕神的同在 這一點我真的比不上 因為我自己都還沒有渴慕神到那一種地步 如果我想要來帶我小組進入神的同在 我自己要來渴慕主耶穌基督

現 在想起來 神也真的很愛我 他使我少走了很多冤枉路 祂使用了很多的人和很多的事來提醒我哪裡做錯了 有時候我只是覺得怪怪的 像是上星期六的小組分享 神就用了Andrea and James 來提醒我是哪裡有問題 我爸爸也替我看到車子漏油 我真的很感謝我的主 時常提醒我 求神使我成為一個更好的領袖以及更好的僕人

最後 求神似給我智慧 使我說話有智慧 知道什麼時候說什麼話 也求聖靈時常提醒我要做那應當做的事

Monday, January 22, 2007


馬太福音十二章三十四節: 因為心裡所充滿的 口裡就說出來

馬太福音十三章十二節: 凡有的 還要加給他 就他有餘 凡沒有的 連他所有的也要奪去

馬太福音十三章四十四到四十六節: 天國好像寶貝藏在地裡 人遇見了就把他藏起來 歡歡喜喜的變賣一切所有的 買這塊地 天國又好像買賣人尋找好珠子 愈見一顆重價的珠子 就變賣他一切所有的 買了這顆珠子

所以說呢 我要每天讀經 不然跟不上教會的進度 

今天的考試延後了 我不知道我高不高興 因為我讀了很多 我真的排除萬難讀書 但是考試前沒有把要讀的讀完 所以說我不知道該如何面對這樣的多重情緒ㄏㄏㄏ 所以說我現在就要好好的回去讀書了 今天真的是上課上了一整天 所以沒啥好說的